Some writers argue that planning messages wastes time because they inevitably change their plans as they go along. How would you respond to this argument? explain.
Also respond to 2 of your classmates' comments
Based on the first video, it is true that sometimes people judge others by their way of writing due to things such as grammatical errors. According to the video, three main things to consider when writing something are the document’s purpose, audience and delivery. In terms of audience, not only should one identify who they are, but also what situation or environment they may be in when reading your document. I believe that planning a message before actually writing it does turn out to be effective. I also agree that a writer’s plan may change as he/she goes along with it. However, it is much better to change and fix the plan in the planning stage as opposed to when actually writing out a message. Changing an idea during the writing stage would be more of a waste of time because more time would need to be taken to review from the beginning in order to adjust the previous ideas. On the other hand, if you would take the time to sit and actually plan what exactly the message will be, you will then know what to focus on in the writing stage.
i agree with Ginelli that it is much easier to edit your ideas in the planning stage than when your writing because it saves on time and reduces organizational errors.
I agree with Ginelli's position that planning a message before writing it can turn out to be more effective. when a message is properly planned, it allows the writer to transition smoothly between positions that they are developing in their message while allowing that writer to make changes as his or her ideas evolve.
I agree with Ginelli in that changing idea during the writing stage would be much more waste of a time because it would only increase the time taken to complete the message. However, sometimes, it is inevitable to find mistakes even after completing the message or even find something more suitable to add to the message hence the planning stage should be done effective to avoid such problems.
Kuo-Chen is right in pointing out that the Planning stage may be the key issue in the writer’s indecisiveness to settle on an idea and properly develop his/her message. It is more efficient to change an idea during the planning stage because this is where such activity should take place and not during the writing stage. The writing stage should be undertaken after the writer is fully satisfied with the plan. It is common now for writer’s to choose the otherwise and it does seem to be work for some people, however, it is far more reasonable to use the planning stage to keep organized and a clear track of the message and its purpose.
I agree with Ginelli Espejo cause it is really true that someone may judge you because of your writing style. You may have one or two grammatical errors or misplace words and people can judge you with the simple mistake you do. I believe and agree with you, planning your message give you a greater success. but I slightly disagree when you said about changing your ideas is a complete waste of times because sometimes when you start write it tents to change a little. It might not be dramatic change but it may be a change that is positive and will improve your writing.
Writing a message that you are going to publish to two or two thousand people should always start in the planning stage of the three phase writing process. The planning of a message should take about 50 percent of the total amount of time taken to complete the message. Half of the amount of time should be assigned to the planning, gives us a hint as to the importance of planning. It is in this stage that the writer of the message analyzes the situation, gather information, select the right medium and organize their information. The most important things are considered during this stage. Therefore, the planning stage should never be eliminated from the righting process even if the writer might change his/her mind in the process. Many times we start the writing process with set ideas and expectations and it is during the planning stage then many of the changes to previous ideas are made. This occurs because through the planning stage the writer may realize that their ideas may have been unrealistic or would be ineffective after considering the situation and gathering the appropriate information. Even if at the “Complete Stage” of the writing process while the writing is revising the message and feel that something needs to change, the information gathered during the planning stage would still be very usefully and the writing would need to make little changes or adjustments to the planning stage. It is very unlikely that a writer will completely disregard his entire message when it has reached the “Complete Stage”, if this is done then effect planning was not done from the beginning.
Exactly, if a writer disregard his entire message when it has reach the complete stage then the planning was not effective in the first place. So then the trick is to not only plan but do an effective plan; one that will be the backbone of the writing!! One that will allow you to have an excellent paper and most importantly one that will grab the attention of you intended audience.
I agree with you, if the message is disregarded completely at the end, that means the writer did not take the time to plan properly. But I also must say that not only the messages that will be published to so many people should be planned. All messages to some extent need planning. Of course the time dedicated to it will vary according to the type of message, size of audience, etc.
I agree with what erica has to say. The planning stage is very important in the writing process and in this section most of hat we want to write changes and corrections will e taken place in this section
Many people would say that the planning process is a waste of time. Maybe because these same people are too busy to plan, maybe these people don't know how to plan or it can be that these same people are just typically lazy. No-one sets off on a journey without knowing where they are going and having a pretty good idea of how to get there.Hence, every writing should start at the planning stage even if the writing is subject to change when you are finish. We all know that there are three stage to the writing process: Plan, Write and complete. I personally believe that you should want to know what you start with and subsequently what you end up with. This will allow you to embrace the changes and to realize how far you have come and can eventually motivate you for future writing.I have never seen an excellent writing without proper planing. Come to think about it, how can one plan then decides to change their plan as they go along? that's defeating the purpose of planning doesn't it? it is in the complete stage that you would want to edit and look over your work and make changes. Remember, "He who fails to plan, plans to fail"-Unknown
it is a true saying that he who fails to plan, plans to fail, and planning is extremely important before attempting to write anything. however, i do believe we gain more knowledge when researching various ideas to write on which man alter your previous plans so changes are possible after planning.
I like Chantell's comparison of writing a message to embarking on a journey. In many ways, I agree that they two are alike, and the traveler/writer must know where he/she wants to go or what message he/she wants to convey. A plan for a message serves a similar purpose as a map for a traveler, since they both act as a resource that aids the traveler/writer in accomplishing those objectives they original set out to achieve. Like journeys, messages also evolves as you find yourself in the middle of them, and planning a message or following a map does not mean that you cannot deviate from the original design as the message/journey unfolds.
I agree with you Chantell, in order to set journey we need to make sure we have a plan. It is very important to plan in order to produce a well written document. We write everyday, everywhere. Hence, we need to make sure we know the three steps in the writing process.
I also agree with your comment. Writing a message, taking a trip, or making dinner all these and most other things require planning. Even when we are not concious of what we are doing we are planning. However, writing messages for the purpose of business transactions have to be purposely planned for it to be efficient and get your point across. Planning is KEY!
Yes I agree with this who fails to plan, plans to fail. We all know when we do something and we plan it, it becomes more successful. If I want to take my family on a surprise trip, I will firstly need to plan and see what are my option for it to be successful. So some one that don't plan are usual just the lay back type, and sometimes very unsuccessful. So remember when you starts to write always do a planning which helps you to become a better writer.
I do agree that some degree of planning needs to be done to organize your thought before you actually start with your writing. During the planning process writers take time to gather and expand on various ideas so that they know exactly how to build up their essays or paper effectively. Even though planning seem to take up too much time in the end it only leads to less time being spent in the writing process. All your thought have already been gathered and its just a matter of putting them together in an orderly fashion and start elaborating, rather than having to be writing and thinking what you want to write about at the same time.
perfectly said, All your thoughts have already been gathered in the planning stage and the writing stage is just a matter of putting them together. so your not really wasting your time planning, it works out in the end. Planning makes your work seems organize.
Excellent response, Nikita. It is very true that effective planning leads to fewer mistakes and less "thinking" time during the writing stage. Once a work has been planned out, it should be pretty much smooth sailing from there since ideas should be in order.
While some writers may argue that planning business messages wastes time, it is my opinion that this stance is purely subjective and it will vary based on the writer’s preference. The possibility that a message will change as you progress is high since thoughts and ideas evolves as messages are being constructed. However, despite this inevitable change, some individuals still find it easier to plan what they want to convey in a message so as to not lose any thoughts or ideas. Planning messages can help writers to be more efficient at constructing messages since they won’t have to spend time trying to remember the various parts of their message. Instead, they will be able to transition smoothly from one point into another and still add new ideas as the message develops. Therefore, I do not agree that planning messages wastes time; to the contrary, it is my opinion that it could actually save time.
I agree with Robert in that he mentioned a key point which is planning messages are purely subjective due to the fact that some people are really good at improvising because as they go along, thoughts and ideas just keep coming out which their brain quickly react and link the patterns to suit the message. However this improvisation method proves only effective to those can do it.
I agree with you 100%, Robert. Planning a message ahead of time does in fact save time for the writer. Like you said, it is practically inevitable to avoid thoughts and ideas from evolving as one moves along a message. However, I would hope that most writers realize that it would be better to adjust ideas in the planning stage rather than in the writing stage as it would be far more time consuming to fix during the latter stage.
That is right Robert, planning will save the writer a deal of time, since he/she will have a guideline to follow. It will also help the message to transition smoothly and coherently, two things that are extremely important when writing messages.
The three basic steps in writing consist of Planning, Writing and completing your message. First of all, to begin with the right step, will guide you throughout your entire writing process. If we forget about planning, we might not get a clear idea about the main topic. Planning allows you to gather all the information needed so you can have an advanced idea of how your writing will be. It makes writers determine their specific purpose of writing. Planning also makes you select the best way to give out the information to your audience. You would not only know what information to give but you would known most of the information because you have planned exactly what to write. It will also make you understand who your audience will be. Many people say that planning is a waste of time, you should think of it twice. You are greatly utilizing your time when you plan. People say that planning is a waste of time maybe because they don’t have the time to plan or are lazy to plan. This can cause a negative effect when doing the other steps because you will feel lost at any given point in time. To do a well-structured piece of writing, it is best suggested to take enough time to plan before you write. The writers who change their plans as they go along are people that are not sure about their thoughts. Planning is a very useful step which most writers use to produce a much enhanced document. It should not be forgotten at any time.
I agree that writers who do not plan are lazy. They wait until the last minute to write their message so they feel as if they did not have enough time to plan. This affects the message because they end up repeating the same points over and over, missing points, and the over all message will not having any flow to it.
I strongly believe that writers who do not plan are writers with many years of experience in writing. When it comes to writers such as students, then our best way to go is by planning first.
Good Night, I have still not recieved any email from you with information of what to do. I posted in time; however, I was having problems with the reply option for the other comments. I just it to reply tonight, so am hoping that I haven't missed the deadline. Sir, my email address is
Some writers argue that planning messages wastes time because they inevitably change their plans as they go along. However, I believe it is much more effective to plan ahead to know what you're going to get as your end product as oppose to improvising as you go along. With effective planning, one should consider the purpose, the audience and medium of reaching the audience. The purpose is not to only give a speech or writing but to make the audience understand what you're trying to convey, also an audience approach speech or writing is effective in getting the audience's attention. Last but not least, an appropriate medium is effective for the delivery of such message to your audience. Planning a message is just a stepping stone in delivering the actual notice. It is only an outer skeleton of the master piece. Hence, without any planning improvisation will only go as far as the limit of your knowledge on the topic. And ultimately adjusting to changes without planning will only make it harder for the message to be delivered effectively and efficiently. Nevertheless, with planning you can always adjust to the changes with the current information you have.
I agree that if you improvise you can only go as far as how much you know on the topic, hence why it is important to do the necessary research on a topic before writing. The purpose of the message and the needs of the audience must be fulfilled in order for your message to be effective.
Improvisation is an art that is developed by many individuals to a point that may exceed that of normal writers at our level. If the option is to be taken to use improvisation then it should be considered that the writer learn as much about the purpose and the audience. This act takes up a lot of risk in my view as it leaves great room for disastrous results. However, it can give a natural and smooth flow in the message delivery. This is not to say that the same cannot be achieved through the planning process and carefully continuing on with writing process; it is a comment of mine to not let it be seem so negative. I do support the idea of planning, just that we have to be more creative in our methodology.
Planning should be carefully and done with plenty of enthusiasm so the writer can get the ideas flowing and think ahead with new ideas and how the writer can intertwine them. Planning, when effectively done, should not cause the message to contain significant errors or for the message to be lost. It will organize the work and allow the writer to easily and efficiently write the message with much confidence. It is never wrong to plan ahead and it is better to have a plan than none at all when trouble seems imminent in writing.
I don’t believe that planning is a waste of time. Planning helps your message to be more effective because you are able to analyse the situation and gather the necessary information before responding. In fact planning can actually make you save time in the longer run because when you sit down to write you already know what exactly you need to say in your message. It is true that you can change your mind along the way however I believe this only refers to the medium, not the purpose of the message. Therefore it is still important to know the profile of your audience and information that they need. If a writer does not plan, they run the risk of rambling and repeating the same points over and over instead of saying exactly what they need to say in a coherent fashion.
It does make sense to plan. Your reasons are fully credible and it is true that there are many forms of error that can curse a writer if the proper planning isn't done to prevent it.
Although many writers argue that planning is a waste of time because they tend to change their plans along the way, I strongly believe that this step is at the core of the message’s success. First of all, it is necessary for us to understand that it is at the planning stage that we gathered the information needed to write our message, study and get to understand the audience we are writing for, and select the medium to deliver the message to them. It is here where the purpose and essence of the message are defined and they remained unchanged during the whole process. It is true that while reviewing and editing the message we might change formats, organization, grammatical errors and even decide that the right medium to deliver the message is different from the one we had previously selected, but the purpose and essence of the message, as mentioned before, remain true to what was originally planned. Without proper planning, there are no guidelines to follow or goals to achieve, and at the end our message will fall short of the audience’s expectation.
It is imperative to plan when writing our message simply because Planning is the basis of all writing. At this stage is where we gather all the necessary information needed for our piece of writing and where we consider the audience. At this stage you can still modify and make changes with your ideas. Three main questions that can be asked when planning to make it easier are: what we are writing? who we are writing to? how do we write?
It is inevitable indeed that the writing does change during the writing stage, However it is not a dramatic change that occurs here. these changes mostly happen during proof reading and editing.
If writers don't plan before writing, there are many errors that can be faced while writing such as putting an idea at the wrong place and sentences might not be too coherent in the paragraphs because the writer is just writing, hence The message would not be delivered successful to the reader.
Definately the planning process is not a waste of time. It should be planned in order for your message to be effective and efficient to your audience. You don't want to disclude planning and then after creating a meesage go back to the start again due to the absence of the planning process. There are 3 stages to the planning process and that includes plan, write and complete. It depends on the time you take to include the three steps. So if there is a time frame you need to complete your message, that will definately affect your message base on what message needs to be conveyed. If writers continue to write messages without planning they will be always going back to the drawing board due to errors and non effectiveness.
I think Mr. Robert Robinson has the correct idea of the writer that thinks that the planning stage does not play a vital role. Planning messages is very important and it is the initial stage which starts the message and make the message an efficient and effective message for the audience. Second notion to Mr. Robinson.
Plan, write, and complete is what ms. chantell ortiz base her topic on. You can't set off on a journey not knowing where you are going was a perfect saying ms. ortiz included in her comment. The planning stage is just a seal in the deal you have to incorporate in the initial stage of writing of an effective message. All the writers that don't include the planning stage won't have an effective and efficient message. Ms. Chantell gave a perfect example, kudos to her.
To each their own, planning is an effective mean of properly gathering random thoughts revolving around the purpose in the initiative to develop a reasonable structure that will appeal to the audience at maximum efficiency, delivery. However, some writers will argue that the planning stage will not benefit but will also take up time. The ideas for these writers flow from the commencement of actual writing and thus the planning stage is often neglected or ineffectively done. It is a style of writing that I believe is similar to the styles of learning; this can be seen as the tactile learner, i.e tactile writer. The fact of the matter is that the two styles seem to give quality results all depending on the writer. Some writers can see order in chaos and other can only see beauty through organization. The job of each prospective writer is to determine the best method for themselves. It is still highly recommended to properly plan because it can offer a skeleton for the message, a reference for the content or a benchmark.
I strongly agree with you, Antonio. I also believe that the planning process offers a skeleton for the entire message. Without proper planning, then the follow of the other steps would be inefficient. That is why the planning process takes up more time than the other two steps.
Right Matus! If you don't have proper planning and lack of organization your work may not be as effective as it should be. To be organized and having a skeleton for your message is the key element to having an effective message.
Proper planning before writing is essential because it allows the writers to gather their ideas and manage them in a systematic way to produce an efficient delivery to the audience with the full impact of the purpose. Proper planning doesn’t hurt because it will always be a way to start up the mind and get the ideas rolling for the message. It helps in organization and an overall confidence in the writer’s flow of writing the message. Regardless of what writers may think of when they plan, whether they use the plan a the guide throughout writing the message or a base point into developing new ideas, the planning process still enabled them to reach that point. In terms of efficiency, there is definitely room for improvement amongst writers who cannot seem to stick to their plan; it may be due to lack of effective planning or simply an unclear understanding of the purpose. These issues should be attended to before the planning stage is commenced and thusly, it is advised that the writer become knowledgeable of the topic and purpose of it and what he is expecting to produce.
I agree with you, Kathrina. Proper planning does not hurt and yes, it does help in the flow of writing the message. Writers should also keep in mind that planning does help with the effectiveness of the message and it does assist them in continuing on with the three-step writing process.
That is right Kat. Proper planning before writing is essential. It gathers our ideas and manage them in a systematic way in order for us to not have much change when it come to writing. And of course, in terms of efficiency, there is always room for improvement.
The writing process contains three-steps which would include planning, writing and completing. With this, some writers may argue that planning messages wastes time because they inevitably change their plan as they go along. I, however, disagree with this statement as this process can be effective and efficient in saving time. It is during the planning process, which takes up fifty percent of your time, where different changes and modification of ideas should occur. Here, writers can analyse the situation and gather information where they will collect different facts and ideas about their audiences and in selecting the right medium. It is in the final task, where the outlining is done. I believe that in the planning step all adjustment of the messages should be made. If such alternation is done throughout the other steps then effective planning was not prepared properly. Therefore, proper planning is advised as it does not wastes time but successfully allows you to focus and know what to do in the following writing process steps.
The Writing Process isn't a waste of time. As we know the writing process is made up of three steps, the planning, writing and composition. To begin with, people find it as a waste of time because they don't realize the solid foundation these three steps contain. If you don't have these three steps, your work can be vulnerable and lacks a concrete backbone. The planning process helps you to organize your work in a manner that would be easy for you when you begin to write. Your ideas will flow because you have a plan, hence there is no need for a change during the writing step process. If you tend to change your work and discard information you have from your planning process, you are wasting time because your planning wasn't properly composed. of course you would find mistakes during the writing process but it shouldn't be considered that your planning process was a complete waste of time.
no matter what type of message you are asked to deliver it is very important for you to have something plan. this helps because it gives you a general idea of what your message will be all about and how you should approach your audience to whom you are speaking. Eventually the message may stray off topic due to questions or comments from your audience.Planning also give you an idea of the type of questions that may be asked and help you prepare on how to answer these questions.
The planning process for writing letters is totally not a waste of time. Even though sometimes writers may feel that they can just pick up a paper and start to write while there ideas flow. But again you can take those same ideas that flow and make a plan for your writing which will give a greater outcome. As you take the step for your preparation for your writing of message, you plan and analyze the important points of your message and focus on it. You as the writer become more knowledgeable about what you’re writing and can therefore focus on your paper. This will give your audience a better view of your message and it will not have them confuse about what you are talking about. So first you must plan, put your main ideas that you want to display on your paper together. Secondly you must start to write your paper, this is where sometimes your ideas tent to change a little bit but that's OK. You then proofed your work to ensure your main ideas that you wanted to bring across is still there even though you may have a little bit of changes. The last step is the compete process, you do the last touching up and last of the editing. The planning process is a well organize idea, which help you to gather your information, your main points and ideas and gives you an effective results. A good writer always plan.
Based on the first video, it is true that sometimes people judge others by their way of writing due to things such as grammatical errors. According to the video, three main things to consider when writing something are the document’s purpose, audience and delivery. In terms of audience, not only should one identify who they are, but also what situation or environment they may be in when reading your document.
ReplyDeleteI believe that planning a message before actually writing it does turn out to be effective. I also agree that a writer’s plan may change as he/she goes along with it. However, it is much better to change and fix the plan in the planning stage as opposed to when actually writing out a message. Changing an idea during the writing stage would be more of a waste of time because more time would need to be taken to review from the beginning in order to adjust the previous ideas. On the other hand, if you would take the time to sit and actually plan what exactly the message will be, you will then know what to focus on in the writing stage.
i agree with Ginelli that it is much easier to edit your ideas in the planning stage than when your writing because it saves on time and reduces organizational errors.
DeleteI agree with Ginelli's position that planning a message before writing it can turn out to be more effective. when a message is properly planned, it allows the writer to transition smoothly between positions that they are developing in their message while allowing that writer to make changes as his or her ideas evolve.
DeleteI agree with Ginelli in that changing idea during the writing stage would be much more waste of a time because it would only increase the time taken to complete the message. However, sometimes, it is inevitable to find mistakes even after completing the message or even find something more suitable to add to the message hence the planning stage should be done effective to avoid such problems.
DeleteKuo-Chen is right in pointing out that the Planning stage may be the key issue in the writer’s indecisiveness to settle on an idea and properly develop his/her message. It is more efficient to change an idea during the planning stage because this is where such activity should take place and not during the writing stage. The writing stage should be undertaken after the writer is fully satisfied with the plan. It is common now for writer’s to choose the otherwise and it does seem to be work for some people, however, it is far more reasonable to use the planning stage to keep organized and a clear track of the message and its purpose.
DeleteI agree with Ginelli Espejo cause it is really true that someone may judge you because of your writing style. You may have one or two grammatical errors or misplace words and people can judge you with the simple mistake you do. I believe and agree with you, planning your message give you a greater success. but I slightly disagree when you said about changing your ideas is a complete waste of times because sometimes when you start write it tents to change a little. It might not be dramatic change but it may be a change that is positive and will improve your writing.
DeleteWriting a message that you are going to publish to two or two thousand people should always start in the planning stage of the three phase writing process. The planning of a message should take about 50 percent of the total amount of time taken to complete the message. Half of the amount of time should be assigned to the planning, gives us a hint as to the importance of planning. It is in this stage that the writer of the message analyzes the situation, gather information, select the right medium and organize their information. The most important things are considered during this stage.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, the planning stage should never be eliminated from the righting process even if the writer might change his/her mind in the process. Many times we start the writing process with set ideas and expectations and it is during the planning stage then many of the changes to previous ideas are made. This occurs because through the planning stage the writer may realize that their ideas may have been unrealistic or would be ineffective after considering the situation and gathering the appropriate information.
Even if at the “Complete Stage” of the writing process while the writing is revising the message and feel that something needs to change, the information gathered during the planning stage would still be very usefully and the writing would need to make little changes or adjustments to the planning stage. It is very unlikely that a writer will completely disregard his entire message when it has reached the “Complete Stage”, if this is done then effect planning was not done from the beginning.
Exactly, if a writer disregard his entire message when it has reach the complete stage then the planning was not effective in the first place. So then the trick is to not only plan but do an effective plan; one that will be the backbone of the writing!! One that will allow you to have an excellent paper and most importantly one that will grab the attention of you intended audience.
DeleteI agree with you, if the message is disregarded completely at the end, that means the writer did not take the time to plan properly.
DeleteBut I also must say that not only the messages that will be published to so many people should be planned. All messages to some extent need planning. Of course the time dedicated to it will vary according to the type of message, size of audience, etc.
totally agree with erica..all writing process no matter how many the three step writing process should be very important
DeleteI agree with what erica has to say. The planning stage is very important in the writing process and in this section most of hat we want to write changes and corrections will e taken place in this section
DeleteMany people would say that the planning process is a waste of time. Maybe because these same people are too busy to plan, maybe these people don't know how to plan or it can be that these same people are just typically lazy. No-one sets off on a journey without knowing where they are going and having a pretty good idea of how to get there.Hence, every writing should start at the planning stage even if the writing is subject to change when you are finish. We all know that there are three stage to the writing process: Plan, Write and complete. I personally believe that you should want to know what you start with and subsequently what you end up with. This will allow you to embrace the changes and to realize how far you have come and can eventually motivate you for future writing.I have never seen an excellent writing without proper planing.
ReplyDeleteCome to think about it, how can one plan then decides to change their plan as they go along? that's defeating the purpose of planning doesn't it? it is in the complete stage that you would want to edit and look over your work and make changes.
Remember, "He who fails to plan, plans to fail"-Unknown
it is a true saying that he who fails to plan, plans to fail, and planning is extremely important before attempting to write anything. however, i do believe we gain more knowledge when researching various ideas to write on which man alter your previous plans so changes are possible after planning.
DeleteI like Chantell's comparison of writing a message to embarking on a journey. In many ways, I agree that they two are alike, and the traveler/writer must know where he/she wants to go or what message he/she wants to convey. A plan for a message serves a similar purpose as a map for a traveler, since they both act as a resource that aids the traveler/writer in accomplishing those objectives they original set out to achieve. Like journeys, messages also evolves as you find yourself in the middle of them, and planning a message or following a map does not mean that you cannot deviate from the original design as the message/journey unfolds.
DeleteI agree with you Chantell, in order to set journey we need to make sure we have a plan. It is very important to plan in order to produce a well written document. We write everyday, everywhere. Hence, we need to make sure we know the three steps in the writing process.
DeleteI also agree with your comment. Writing a message, taking a trip, or making dinner all these and most other things require planning. Even when we are not concious of what we are doing we are planning. However, writing messages for the purpose of business transactions have to be purposely planned for it to be efficient and get your point across. Planning is KEY!
DeleteYes I agree with this who fails to plan, plans to fail. We all know when we do something and we plan it, it becomes more successful. If I want to take my family on a surprise trip, I will firstly need to plan and see what are my option for it to be successful. So some one that don't plan are usual just the lay back type, and sometimes very unsuccessful. So remember when you starts to write always do a planning which helps you to become a better writer.
DeleteI do agree that some degree of planning needs to be done to organize your thought before you actually start with your writing. During the planning process writers take time to gather and expand on various ideas so that they know exactly how to build up their essays or paper effectively. Even though planning seem to take up too much time in the end it only leads to less time being spent in the writing process. All your thought have already been gathered and its just a matter of putting them together in an orderly fashion and start elaborating, rather than having to be writing and thinking what you want to write about at the same time.
ReplyDeleteperfectly said, All your thoughts have already been gathered in the planning stage and the writing stage is just a matter of putting them together. so your not really wasting your time planning, it works out in the end. Planning makes your work seems organize.
DeleteExcellent response, Nikita. It is very true that effective planning leads to fewer mistakes and less "thinking" time during the writing stage. Once a work has been planned out, it should be pretty much smooth sailing from there since ideas should be in order.
Deletewe need most of our time to plan hat we want to say so i do agree with nikita
DeleteWhile some writers may argue that planning business messages wastes time, it is my opinion that this stance is purely subjective and it will vary based on the writer’s preference. The possibility that a message will change as you progress is high since thoughts and ideas evolves as messages are being constructed. However, despite this inevitable change, some individuals still find it easier to plan what they want to convey in a message so as to not lose any thoughts or ideas. Planning messages can help writers to be more efficient at constructing messages since they won’t have to spend time trying to remember the various parts of their message. Instead, they will be able to transition smoothly from one point into another and still add new ideas as the message develops. Therefore, I do not agree that planning messages wastes time; to the contrary, it is my opinion that it could actually save time.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Robert in that he mentioned a key point which is planning messages are purely subjective due to the fact that some people are really good at improvising because as they go along, thoughts and ideas just keep coming out which their brain quickly react and link the patterns to suit the message. However this improvisation method proves only effective to those can do it.
DeleteI agree with you 100%, Robert. Planning a message ahead of time does in fact save time for the writer. Like you said, it is practically inevitable to avoid thoughts and ideas from evolving as one moves along a message. However, I would hope that most writers realize that it would be better to adjust ideas in the planning stage rather than in the writing stage as it would be far more time consuming to fix during the latter stage.
DeleteThat is right Robert, planning will save the writer a deal of time, since he/she will have a guideline to follow. It will also help the message to transition smoothly and coherently, two things that are extremely important when writing messages.
DeleteThe three basic steps in writing consist of Planning, Writing and completing your message. First of all, to begin with the right step, will guide you throughout your entire writing process. If we forget about planning, we might not get a clear idea about the main topic. Planning allows you to gather all the information needed so you can have an advanced idea of how your writing will be. It makes writers determine their specific purpose of writing. Planning also makes you select the best way to give out the information to your audience. You would not only know what information to give but you would known most of the information because you have planned exactly what to write. It will also make you understand who your audience will be. Many people say that planning is a waste of time, you should think of it twice. You are greatly utilizing your time when you plan. People say that planning is a waste of time maybe because they don’t have the time to plan or are lazy to plan. This can cause a negative effect when doing the other steps because you will feel lost at any given point in time. To do a well-structured piece of writing, it is best suggested to take enough time to plan before you write. The writers who change their plans as they go along are people that are not sure about their thoughts. Planning is a very useful step which most writers use to produce a much enhanced document. It should not be forgotten at any time.
ReplyDeleteI agree that writers who do not plan are lazy. They wait until the last minute to write their message so they feel as if they did not have enough time to plan. This affects the message because they end up repeating the same points over and over, missing points, and the over all message will not having any flow to it.
DeleteI strongly believe that writers who do not plan are writers with many years of experience in writing. When it comes to writers such as students, then our best way to go is by planning first.
DeleteHello class. Remember the cut off date and time for this first blog
ReplyDeleteOk sir, we'll make sure you post as soon possible. DOES THIS COUNT AS A REPLY? Just kidding xD
DeleteCut off date? I was not aware of such thing. I'm wondering now if I missed some classes or if I'm still on time to post something here.
DeleteGood Night,
DeleteI have still not recieved any email from you with information of what to do. I posted in time; however, I was having problems with the reply option for the other comments. I just it to reply tonight, so am hoping that I haven't missed the deadline. Sir, my email address is
Some writers argue that planning messages wastes time because they inevitably change their plans as they go along. However, I believe it is much more effective to plan ahead to know what you're going to get as your end product as oppose to improvising as you go along. With effective planning, one should consider the purpose, the audience and medium of reaching the audience. The purpose is not to only give a speech or writing but to make the audience understand what you're trying to convey, also an audience approach speech or writing is effective in getting the audience's attention. Last but not least, an appropriate medium is effective for the delivery of such message to your audience. Planning a message is just a stepping stone in delivering the actual notice. It is only an outer skeleton of the master piece. Hence, without any planning improvisation will only go as far as the limit of your knowledge on the topic. And ultimately adjusting to changes without planning will only make it harder for the message to be delivered effectively and efficiently. Nevertheless, with planning you can always adjust to the changes with the current information you have.
ReplyDeleteI agree that if you improvise you can only go as far as how much you know on the topic, hence why it is important to do the necessary research on a topic before writing. The purpose of the message and the needs of the audience must be fulfilled in order for your message to be effective.
DeleteImprovisation is an art that is developed by many individuals to a point that may exceed that of normal writers at our level. If the option is to be taken to use improvisation then it should be considered that the writer learn as much about the purpose and the audience. This act takes up a lot of risk in my view as it leaves great room for disastrous results. However, it can give a natural and smooth flow in the message delivery. This is not to say that the same cannot be achieved through the planning process and carefully continuing on with writing process; it is a comment of mine to not let it be seem so negative. I do support the idea of planning, just that we have to be more creative in our methodology.
DeletePlanning should be carefully and done with plenty of enthusiasm so the writer can get the ideas flowing and think ahead with new ideas and how the writer can intertwine them. Planning, when effectively done, should not cause the message to contain significant errors or for the message to be lost. It will organize the work and allow the writer to easily and efficiently write the message with much confidence. It is never wrong to plan ahead and it is better to have a plan than none at all when trouble seems imminent in writing.
DeleteI don’t believe that planning is a waste of time. Planning helps your message to be more effective because you are able to analyse the situation and gather the necessary information before responding. In fact planning can actually make you save time in the longer run because when you sit down to write you already know what exactly you need to say in your message. It is true that you can change your mind along the way however I believe this only refers to the medium, not the purpose of the message. Therefore it is still important to know the profile of your audience and information that they need. If a writer does not plan, they run the risk of rambling and repeating the same points over and over instead of saying exactly what they need to say in a coherent fashion.
ReplyDeleteIt does make sense to plan. Your reasons are fully credible and it is true that there are many forms of error that can curse a writer if the proper planning isn't done to prevent it.
DeleteAlthough many writers argue that planning is a waste of time because they tend to change their plans along the way, I strongly believe that this step is at the core of the message’s success.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, it is necessary for us to understand that it is at the planning stage that we gathered the information needed to write our message, study and get to understand the audience we are writing for, and select the medium to deliver the message to them. It is here where the purpose and essence of the message are defined and they remained unchanged during the whole process.
It is true that while reviewing and editing the message we might change formats, organization, grammatical errors and even decide that the right medium to deliver the message is different from the one we had previously selected, but the purpose and essence of the message, as mentioned before, remain true to what was originally planned.
Without proper planning, there are no guidelines to follow or goals to achieve, and at the end our message will fall short of the audience’s expectation.
I have to agree that changes occur when writing but the purpose of writing does remain the same.
DeleteIt is imperative to plan when writing our message simply because Planning is the basis of all writing. At this stage is where we gather all the necessary information needed for our piece of writing and where we consider the audience. At this stage you can still modify and make changes with your ideas. Three main questions that can be asked when planning to make it easier are: what we are writing? who we are writing to? how do we write?
ReplyDeleteIt is inevitable indeed that the writing does change during the writing stage, However it is not a dramatic change that occurs here. these changes mostly happen during proof reading and editing.
If writers don't plan before writing, there are many errors that can be faced while writing such as putting an idea at the wrong place and sentences might not be too coherent in the paragraphs because the writer is just writing, hence The message would not be delivered successful to the reader.
Definately the planning process is not a waste of time. It should be planned in order for your message to be effective and efficient to your audience. You don't want to disclude planning and then after creating a meesage go back to the start again due to the absence of the planning process. There are 3 stages to the planning process and that includes plan, write and complete. It depends on the time you take to include the three steps. So if there is a time frame you need to complete your message, that will definately affect your message base on what message needs to be conveyed. If writers continue to write messages without planning they will be always going back to the drawing board due to errors and non effectiveness.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr. Robert Robinson has the correct idea of the writer that thinks that the planning stage does not play a vital role. Planning messages is very important and it is the initial stage which starts the message and make the message an efficient and effective message for the audience. Second notion to Mr. Robinson.
ReplyDeletePlan, write, and complete is what ms. chantell ortiz base her topic on. You can't set off on a journey not knowing where you are going was a perfect saying ms. ortiz included in her comment. The planning stage is just a seal in the deal you have to incorporate in the initial stage of writing of an effective message. All the writers that don't include the planning stage won't have an effective and efficient message. Ms. Chantell gave a perfect example, kudos to her.
ReplyDeleteTo each their own, planning is an effective mean of properly gathering random thoughts revolving around the purpose in the initiative to develop a reasonable structure that will appeal to the audience at maximum efficiency, delivery. However, some writers will argue that the planning stage will not benefit but will also take up time. The ideas for these writers flow from the commencement of actual writing and thus the planning stage is often neglected or ineffectively done. It is a style of writing that I believe is similar to the styles of learning; this can be seen as the tactile learner, i.e tactile writer. The fact of the matter is that the two styles seem to give quality results all depending on the writer. Some writers can see order in chaos and other can only see beauty through organization. The job of each prospective writer is to determine the best method for themselves. It is still highly recommended to properly plan because it can offer a skeleton for the message, a reference for the content or a benchmark.
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree with you, Antonio. I also believe that the planning process offers a skeleton for the entire message. Without proper planning, then the follow of the other steps would be inefficient. That is why the planning process takes up more time than the other two steps.
DeleteRight Matus! If you don't have proper planning and lack of organization your work may not be as effective as it should be. To be organized and having a skeleton for your message is the key element to having an effective message.
DeleteProper planning before writing is essential because it allows the writers to gather their ideas and manage them in a systematic way to produce an efficient delivery to the audience with the full impact of the purpose. Proper planning doesn’t hurt because it will always be a way to start up the mind and get the ideas rolling for the message. It helps in organization and an overall confidence in the writer’s flow of writing the message. Regardless of what writers may think of when they plan, whether they use the plan a the guide throughout writing the message or a base point into developing new ideas, the planning process still enabled them to reach that point. In terms of efficiency, there is definitely room for improvement amongst writers who cannot seem to stick to their plan; it may be due to lack of effective planning or simply an unclear understanding of the purpose. These issues should be attended to before the planning stage is commenced and thusly, it is advised that the writer become knowledgeable of the topic and purpose of it and what he is expecting to produce.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Kathrina. Proper planning does not hurt and yes, it does help in the flow of writing the message. Writers should also keep in mind that planning does help with the effectiveness of the message and it does assist them in continuing on with the three-step writing process.
DeleteThat is right Kat. Proper planning before writing is essential. It gathers our ideas and manage them in a systematic way in order for us to not have much change when it come to writing. And of course, in terms of efficiency, there is always room for improvement.
DeleteThe writing process contains three-steps which would include planning, writing and completing. With this, some writers may argue that planning messages wastes time because they inevitably change their plan as they go along. I, however, disagree with this statement as this process can be effective and efficient in saving time. It is during the planning process, which takes up fifty percent of your time, where different changes and modification of ideas should occur. Here, writers can analyse the situation and gather information where they will collect different facts and ideas about their audiences and in selecting the right medium. It is in the final task, where the outlining is done. I believe that in the planning step all adjustment of the messages should be made. If such alternation is done throughout the other steps then effective planning was not prepared properly. Therefore, proper planning is advised as it does not wastes time but successfully allows you to focus and know what to do in the following writing process steps.
ReplyDeleteThe Writing Process isn't a waste of time. As we know the writing process is made up of three steps, the planning, writing and composition. To begin with, people find it as a waste of time because they don't realize the solid foundation these three steps contain. If you don't have these three steps, your work can be vulnerable and lacks a concrete backbone. The planning process helps you to organize your work in a manner that would be easy for you when you begin to write. Your ideas will flow because you have a plan, hence there is no need for a change during the writing step process. If you tend to change your work and discard information you have from your planning process, you are wasting time because your planning wasn't properly composed. of course you would find mistakes during the writing process but it shouldn't be considered that your planning process was a complete waste of time.
ReplyDeleteno matter what type of message you are asked to deliver it is very important for you to have something plan. this helps because it gives you a general idea of what your message will be all about and how you should approach your audience to whom you are speaking. Eventually the message may stray off topic due to questions or comments from your audience.Planning also give you an idea of the type of questions that may be asked and help you prepare on how to answer these questions.
ReplyDeleteThe planning process for writing letters is totally not a waste of time. Even though sometimes writers may feel that they can just pick up a paper and start to write while there ideas flow. But again you can take those same ideas that flow and make a plan for your writing which will give a greater outcome. As you take the step for your preparation for your writing of message, you plan and analyze the important points of your message and focus on it. You as the writer become more knowledgeable about what you’re writing and can therefore focus on your paper. This will give your audience a better view of your message and it will not have them confuse about what you are talking about. So first you must plan, put your main ideas that you want to display on your paper together. Secondly you must start to write your paper, this is where sometimes your ideas tent to change a little bit but that's OK. You then proofed your work to ensure your main ideas that you wanted to bring across is still there even though you may have a little bit of changes. The last step is the compete process, you do the last touching up and last of the editing. The planning process is a well organize idea, which help you to gather your information, your main points and ideas and gives you an effective results. A good writer always plan.
ReplyDeleteA message that is not planned may not be accurate.