According to Dina Parham,(daughter in law of Nora Parham) there had been reports that Nora was pregnant when she had been incarcerated for Trapp’s death. Our newspaper had also received verbal reports that Nora had been pregnant when she was hanged. Dina recalls that right before the hanging, Nora was taken to the hospital.
“Maybe they took her to have the baby,” she wondered, questioning where that baby would be, if Nora had had one – whether that child is alive or dead.
Dina Parham says that her husband is still not satisfied with the outcome of the court case, because even if it were true that Nora had killed Ketchell Trapp, it is his view that the circumstances of the case had not been fairly considered, because it is their view that the killing would have happened under provocation.
Parham said that they have resurrected investigations of the incident and hope to have Nora vindicated if indeed she was innocent of the charges against her.
Ramos, A. (2009). Nora Parham’s relatives want more answers. Amandala, Retrieved October
16, 2009 at
If Nora Parham were living in today's time period, would her fate have been the same?
.Respond to this post and respond to one of your colleagues’ post (2 posts)
Monday, October 19, 2009
SOST 304 Social Studies for Primary Teachers POST # 2
Saturday, October 10, 2009
SOST 304 Social Studies for Primary Teachers POST # 2

According to Sandra Trapp, daughter of Kitchel Trapp, Nora was an uncontrollably jealous woman who despised it when Trapp spoke with other women. She was the abusive one, and she used to throw tantrums, hit him and stone him with things.
Nora Parham was reportedly executed at the age of 36 on June 5, 1963 – the first and only woman to have been executed by our state.
Ramos, A. (2009, March 19). Was nora parham voliently jelous? Amandala .Retrieved October
10, 2009, from
- Was Nora Parham violently jealous?
- If you were part of the jury to decide on the fate of Ms. Parham, given the evidence presented in court, how would you vote and why?
Friday, October 9, 2009
HIST 231 Introduction to Colonial Latin America POST #2

The Maya people of Toledo who are fighting for communal land rights, constitute, whether they know it or not, a group inimical to the capitalist system as it functions in Belize. The communal land Maya want to live frugally, in harmony with nature, and they wish to share what they have with each other. The communal land Maya are not in the least bit excited about the prospect of petroleum deposits being beneath their lands and waterways. They know they cannot eat oil. But more than that, they are not greedy for the things which oil money can buy.
Editorial (2009, June). Toledo maya disunity. Amandala, Retrieved October 7, 2009, from
Discuss your reaction to the editorial above and post. Also react to one of your colleague’s post.
Discuss your reaction to the editorial above and post. Also react to one of your colleague’s post.
Monday, August 24, 2009
HIST 231 Introduction to Colonial Latin America Post# 1
Hist 231 Students. This post is for you.

Many aspects of Maya civilization developed slowly through a long Preclassic period, from about 2000 BC to AD 300. By the beginning of that period, Mayan-speaking Native Americans were settled in three adjacent regions of eastern and southern Mexico and Central America: the dry, limestone country along the north coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula; the inland tropical jungle in the Petén region of northern Guatemala; and an area of volcanic highlands and mountain peaks in southern Guatemala near the Pacific Ocean.
Describe any cultural, technological, religious, political , or agricultural practices/advances of the Maya civilization during the pre-classic period. What's the significance of this period in Maya history?
Friday, August 21, 2009
College English (ENGL 112) Post #1
ENGL 112 students. This post is for you!
Warming Up: Journal Exercise
Choose one activity, sport, or hobby that you do well and that others might admire your for. in the form of a letter to a friend, describe the steps or stages of the process through which you acquired that skill or ability.
College English (ENGL 111) Post #1
All students in ENGL 111- This post is for you!
Warming Up:Journal Exercises # 1
Many writers keep some kind of notebook in which they write down their thoughts for later use. some writers call it a journal, a place for their day-to-day thoughts. other writers call it a day book, a place to record ideas, collected information, possible outlines, titles, questions,-anything related to the process of writing, thinking , and learning.
Describe your own writing rituals. When, where, and how do you write best.
Social Studies for Primary Teachers (SOST 304) Post # 1
What Do You Think?
ALL students in SOST 304 - This is for you:
ALL students in SOST 304 - This is for you:
After reading the Learning Cycle Lesson plan, From Tree to Paper, (handout), reflect on the following questions:
1. How do the key questions asked in the exploratory introduction tie into the phases of the lesson?
2. What lesson development activities help to explain how events are sequenced by the learner?
3. During the expansion phase of this lesson, how does the teacher help students expand on theri more developed abilities, sequencing events beyond what was done earlier in the lesson?
4. How does the teacher "wrap-up" the lesson?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Belize-Guatemala Debate

Belize has accepted the proposal of the Organization of American States for the Belize-Guatemala territorial dispute to be decided by an International Court of Justice. However, the matter of going to the I.C.J. still needs to be put to a referendum in both countries. Should Belizean vote yes or no for this issue to be decided by the ICJ?
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